Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Made it to Monday!

Had a small skating party at skateland for Rhi. Because of  my wonderful friend Linda making the reservations! I didnt do good on my part inviting people but I still think she had a good time.

Still trying to get my life back on track from all the trauma from last month. Sometimes when you get knocked down you really do want to just sit there a while and think about it.

Bills all paid!
3 loads of laundry done
1 load of dishes
Frig cleaned out

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sleepy Saturday

I had a horrible headache that started Friday. I guess I needed some sleep. Sleeping and eating have not been on my list of easy things to do for the last couple of weeks. I slept ALL day. I scared a couple of people who called a couple of times. I feel bad about that, sorry :(
After I finally woke up, I got ready for work. I was a little nervous to go, I would be using new equipment and have only been to this club twice.  I KJ the Karaoke. I then got the great news that they wanted us there every Saturday! I had fun and the crowd was so nice and friendly. It was a much needed lift after the last couple weeks of misery I have been dealing with. I was also reminded there are a lot of people who watch out for me and still love me.
I didnt take any pictures today so I will show you my other cat.

Forget it Friday

Friday- My day starts of at 4:30 am with psycho kitten pouncing on my head. This ended up with him having a trip to the bathroom where I locked him in there! I got to sleep for about another hour. I did manage to get Rhi to school and make it to the elementary school for student store.  And then it started..... Spilled my sonic drink all over the front of my car! Then my head started hurting so bad I could hardly see. I was going to go home and take a nap but ended up having to deal with some phone calls I needed to return and pay a bill or two. The rest is a blur so I will end it with forget it Friday!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Toilet Paper Thursday

Let's see what we can fit into this fun filled day.

I found a great deal on Amazon and have a good amount of toilet paper coming in the mail by Dec 1.
$23.94 be sure to check the price- Amazon changes fast sometimes.
  • 48 double rolls = 96 regular rolls
  • 176 sheets per roll
  • 3 ply

Geat TP Deal

Rhi seems to be sleeping much better. We where at war about her room and somehow I won. I still don't know how, maybe she figured that I was under to much stress to push very far. I am not on the crazy train, I am driving it at the moment. We still have a ways to go but she has agreed to work on her room 15 minutes a day right when she gets home from school and it has made a world of difference.

I woke up with my body screaming at me that it did not want to play today but I had to much to do to go back to bed.

One of my Lista auctions sold so I mailed it off today.  Lista is a lot of fun. It is a credit auction, you list items you dont want and people bid credits on them and then you can use your credits to bid on things that you do want. I get most of my rolex spoons there. If you havent tried it you should.

Join Lista

I am amazed at how much I got done today. It is great because Rhi is working with me and not against me this week for some strange reason. I still feel like I am so far behind that I will never get caught up, but I just have to take one day at a time.

Guess I will try to sleep a while and I was lazy on the pictures today.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why Mike wouldn't let Darla into Heaven Wednesday.

I woke up! I am going with this is a good thing at the moment. We will see as the day progresses.

I got to talk to by BFF for a while today. Darla always has a way of making me feel better. I'm glad you didnt stay dead. Thinking on that, you know, Mike probably saw her and said- OH HELL NO!!!!  NO WAY!!! because Samarra and I left on our own would be interesting. Darla is always ruining Samarra and my "creative" ideas. She loves us for us, no matter what and we really do love her more, even if we do push her limits of sanity.  If you dont believe in anything, believe that the world is a better because Darla is with us.

Took Wes his appointment and thought they where doing surgery today.  Turns out they are going to do it in February. Three people looked at his neck and said it didnt look like cancer at all so that way very good news.  
We did get to eat pizza at the VA hospital. They have AMAZING PIZZA. 
They also have put in solar panels in the parking lot over where the cars park. It was interesting. I wish I could do that in our yard but the last time I looked into it, it was expensive and a lot of work. I may have to look into it again. 

My outfit of the day because I didn't feel good and I was cold, was my camo overalls. The downside to this is I get trapped into hunting conversations. The only thing I hunt is jewelry and clothes so this can get tricky!

Wes and I then went to game stop to pick up the steering wheel thing that Rhi needed to play her little big planet Kart game that she got for her birthday. She was so excited when she got home and saw it. No argument about cleaning her room for 15 mins and cleaning out her backpack! I will say it took a while to get the steering wheel set up. It is not the most user friendly item. It is pretty cool once you get it up and running. 

Then to Home Depot to get the new toilet. We finally picked out one and off to the house to put it in. I dont work well with others but over all it went pretty smooth. I am so thankful Wes is here, I could have never put it in on my own. It looks so nice! The old one is already in the back of Wes' truck ready to go away. Hurray! 

I didnt get a lot done at the house but I did do-
2 loads of laundry
1 load of dishes

Dinner was leftovers.  I have a busy day tomorrow that it is going to be hard for me to have the energy to get everything done, but going to do it or die trying.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday Day, Trash Day, Toilet Dies Day!

Thank goodness our trash goes out to the curb on Tuesdays or I would never remember to take it out there. So glad Wes is with me to take it out now. It would get heavy and everyone know how much I HATE to be cold. At least both trashcans are full this week. I have had a horrible last couple of weeks so cleaning was not on my list of things to do, getting out of bed was not even on my things to do. Today on trash day, I am also going to work on getting some of the "trash" out of my mind.

I can let my depression get the best of me some days and  getting out of bed is so draining I would rather lay there and starve to death. Today I am at least up and the laundry is started and I am hoping to at least get that done today. I also need to go thru my schedule and see what I need to do for the rest of this month. I hope blogging will also help me just sort out and purge some of this crap in my head.

So what did I get done?
Got my daughter to and from school- that can be a challenge at times
7 loads of laundry (washed and put up)
1 shower with the shaving of the legs
Found my son's sunglasses.  That boy works hard, you tell me another 17 year old that is up at 5 or 6 to work outside in 27 degree weather.
1 load of dishes put up and loaded what was dirty
5 bags of trash out
1 shelf in the pantry sorted and food tossed if outdated
Finished cleaning the roaster and got it put up
Got the coffee ready for tomorrow
A bill ready to be mailed that I keep forgetting about (A friend took it to mail for me!!!!  Thank you Thank you)
Sent home a cotton candy machine that I have never used with the same friend!
Found my planner!  Very important since I have been depressed I haven't wanted to even look at it.
Kept the two cats from fighting with each other. They both want mama's attention.

After school somehow I convinced Rhi to clean her room for 15 minutes, clean out her backpack and take a shower....   All without a fight. I guess she finally got a good nights sleep. She is not going to touch dinner tonight but since there is leftover spaghetti she will be ok.

Wes got home and I asked him if he was peeing in the cat litter box because I had just cleaned it yesterday and the cat is not big enough to pee that much. Come to find out there a major leak! Oh joy!!!  Hurray!!  So now after Wes goes to have minor surgery he seems to think he will be putting in a new toilet.  We will see how that goes. 

At least dinner was so good. I have been so hungry for ham and pinto beans. It was nice to sit down and all eat together. I hope I worked myself hard enough today to get a good nights sleep. 

Well my good night sleep was just shot down. Found out the legion caught on fire. One of the few places that I can go and relax. I am hoping the damage is not bad, but a fire is a fire and there is always damage. After a really really tough couple of weeks I really didn't want to hear this.

I guess I will end my day here and see what tomorrow brings! 

Pictures anyone??
 It doesnt say FEED ME on here????
 If I get in here Mama Cant leave without me!
 I give up she wore me out!
 mmmmm dinner
The book Rhi has decided to read now.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday, I love shopping From the House

I don't have a lot that I need to get but I did pick up a few items. I am very excited about what I found for my Dad. He is the hardest person to shop for because, like me, if he likes it he gets it. I can't say what it is because he has figured out how to use facebook now and he will see it. I will post pictures after Christmas. Now no one is allowed to open anything that comes in the mail now!

Monday Cooking with Rhi

Rhi has decided that she wants to learn how to cook.  We where in a rush today so we went with spaghetti and spaghetti sauce in a jar.  I cooked the spaghetti part of it and she hunted down Wes to open up the jars. She then put the sauce in the pan on the stove! We didn't have time to make brownies but maybe tomorrow.

I did get the beans sorted and soaking for tomorrows dinner of pinto beans and ham. Rhi wouldn't eat that if it was the last food on earth but since there is leftover spaghetti all should be good in the world.

Guess it is time to convince her it is time to go to sleep. Fun Fun Fun

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Sign up with PollBuzzer to make $1 in 15 seconds!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

After a challenging week, I am going to spend my Sunday afternoon taking a nap. Then I am going find my planner and figure out what I need to do this week. I didnt think I was going to make it the last couple of weeks. I do know there are some amazing people who do care about me.  zzzzz's are calling!