Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Made it to Monday!

Had a small skating party at skateland for Rhi. Because of  my wonderful friend Linda making the reservations! I didnt do good on my part inviting people but I still think she had a good time.

Still trying to get my life back on track from all the trauma from last month. Sometimes when you get knocked down you really do want to just sit there a while and think about it.

Bills all paid!
3 loads of laundry done
1 load of dishes
Frig cleaned out

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sleepy Saturday

I had a horrible headache that started Friday. I guess I needed some sleep. Sleeping and eating have not been on my list of easy things to do for the last couple of weeks. I slept ALL day. I scared a couple of people who called a couple of times. I feel bad about that, sorry :(
After I finally woke up, I got ready for work. I was a little nervous to go, I would be using new equipment and have only been to this club twice.  I KJ the Karaoke. I then got the great news that they wanted us there every Saturday! I had fun and the crowd was so nice and friendly. It was a much needed lift after the last couple weeks of misery I have been dealing with. I was also reminded there are a lot of people who watch out for me and still love me.
I didnt take any pictures today so I will show you my other cat.

Forget it Friday

Friday- My day starts of at 4:30 am with psycho kitten pouncing on my head. This ended up with him having a trip to the bathroom where I locked him in there! I got to sleep for about another hour. I did manage to get Rhi to school and make it to the elementary school for student store.  And then it started..... Spilled my sonic drink all over the front of my car! Then my head started hurting so bad I could hardly see. I was going to go home and take a nap but ended up having to deal with some phone calls I needed to return and pay a bill or two. The rest is a blur so I will end it with forget it Friday!