Monday, January 7, 2013

Grocery Shopping in 12 minutes!

Let's see what this fun week has going on.

My Favorite way to start the day!

Got my hair dyed today... Thank you Dianna.  Before and After pictures.

Then a wonderful lunch of left over Chinese from Mandrin Gardens on 29th. 

When I was at Sam's I got some Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches, I dont like microwave sandwiches but these are GREAT! 

I got to eat dinner at Los Venquros on Air Depot. Amazing fried jalapenos.
Then we went to Crest. I was able to make it in and out of Crest in 12 minutes!!!!!  Wes has never been with me on a speed shopping trip, poor guy was out of breath. My food bill is cheaper because I dont stop and look at anything- I just get what is on my list and I am gone. It was great. 

I did list a couple of auctions on Lista. I am trying to list an auction a day to get this stuff moving out of the house! Looking forward to tomorrow when I get to go to Davenports and Basket Mart. Hope everyone has a great night and day tomorrow!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A New Year! Whoo Hoo.....

This last year was not the worst year that I have had but it was not the best. It seems like from Oct-Dec is not the best months for me. That is the past and I am ready for a great year this year. I dont make resolutions but I have spent the last week thinking about what I want to focus on this year.
Family! I love my family very much. I have worked hard on getting rid of the family that have tried to DESTROY me. I am going to working on spending my time and energy on the wonderful family that we have built from scratch. All the wonderful amazing people who are there from me when I am happy and  pull me up when I fall down.
House! My poor house is cluttered and in much need of some updates. I need to take some pictures for you but it will take me a few days to get brave enough to do that.
Work! I have a lot of adventures in mind for this year that include- Karaoke, Ebay, and Craft Shows as just a beginning. 
So here is to a brand new year. A big Thank YOU to all the people who touch my life every day.