Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why Mike wouldn't let Darla into Heaven Wednesday.

I woke up! I am going with this is a good thing at the moment. We will see as the day progresses.

I got to talk to by BFF for a while today. Darla always has a way of making me feel better. I'm glad you didnt stay dead. Thinking on that, you know, Mike probably saw her and said- OH HELL NO!!!!  NO WAY!!! because Samarra and I left on our own would be interesting. Darla is always ruining Samarra and my "creative" ideas. She loves us for us, no matter what and we really do love her more, even if we do push her limits of sanity.  If you dont believe in anything, believe that the world is a better because Darla is with us.

Took Wes his appointment and thought they where doing surgery today.  Turns out they are going to do it in February. Three people looked at his neck and said it didnt look like cancer at all so that way very good news.  
We did get to eat pizza at the VA hospital. They have AMAZING PIZZA. 
They also have put in solar panels in the parking lot over where the cars park. It was interesting. I wish I could do that in our yard but the last time I looked into it, it was expensive and a lot of work. I may have to look into it again. 

My outfit of the day because I didn't feel good and I was cold, was my camo overalls. The downside to this is I get trapped into hunting conversations. The only thing I hunt is jewelry and clothes so this can get tricky!

Wes and I then went to game stop to pick up the steering wheel thing that Rhi needed to play her little big planet Kart game that she got for her birthday. She was so excited when she got home and saw it. No argument about cleaning her room for 15 mins and cleaning out her backpack! I will say it took a while to get the steering wheel set up. It is not the most user friendly item. It is pretty cool once you get it up and running. 

Then to Home Depot to get the new toilet. We finally picked out one and off to the house to put it in. I dont work well with others but over all it went pretty smooth. I am so thankful Wes is here, I could have never put it in on my own. It looks so nice! The old one is already in the back of Wes' truck ready to go away. Hurray! 

I didnt get a lot done at the house but I did do-
2 loads of laundry
1 load of dishes

Dinner was leftovers.  I have a busy day tomorrow that it is going to be hard for me to have the energy to get everything done, but going to do it or die trying.


I went hunting and then to the hospital?

Yep, he is happy until the needles come out.

No pictures please!

Solar Panel box at the VA

Solar Panels over the parking area at the VA

Wes working hard!

So happy!

It is scary what excites me.

She didnt have time to look at me.


  1. LOL, No see you have it wrong..Mike said "Hell no" because he knew you had already given me instructions to torment him! lolol

  2. Your probably right, I know he doesnt want to hear the talking to your going to give him!
