Thursday, November 29, 2012

Toilet Paper Thursday

Let's see what we can fit into this fun filled day.

I found a great deal on Amazon and have a good amount of toilet paper coming in the mail by Dec 1.
$23.94 be sure to check the price- Amazon changes fast sometimes.
  • 48 double rolls = 96 regular rolls
  • 176 sheets per roll
  • 3 ply

Geat TP Deal

Rhi seems to be sleeping much better. We where at war about her room and somehow I won. I still don't know how, maybe she figured that I was under to much stress to push very far. I am not on the crazy train, I am driving it at the moment. We still have a ways to go but she has agreed to work on her room 15 minutes a day right when she gets home from school and it has made a world of difference.

I woke up with my body screaming at me that it did not want to play today but I had to much to do to go back to bed.

One of my Lista auctions sold so I mailed it off today.  Lista is a lot of fun. It is a credit auction, you list items you dont want and people bid credits on them and then you can use your credits to bid on things that you do want. I get most of my rolex spoons there. If you havent tried it you should.

Join Lista

I am amazed at how much I got done today. It is great because Rhi is working with me and not against me this week for some strange reason. I still feel like I am so far behind that I will never get caught up, but I just have to take one day at a time.

Guess I will try to sleep a while and I was lazy on the pictures today.


  1. Way to go Girl !! Your only problem (as I see it) is that YOU understand the emmense importance of Butt Wipe. However, You get surround by a World of Shitasses that don't have a clue as to it's usefulness. Fustrating
    isn't it ????

  2. I know where to go when I am running low on shit-tickets! so glad things are starting to smooth off a bit for ya :) keep ur chin up and push thru as I know you will.... BTW can I reserve a seat on that crazy train for the future? I might need a ride :)

    1. Yep, Ill save you a seat but they are fill up fast, you need to get on the train soon if you want a window seat!
