My Favorite way to start the day!
Got my hair dyed today... Thank you Dianna. Before and After pictures.
Then a wonderful lunch of left over Chinese from Mandrin Gardens on 29th.
When I was at Sam's I got some Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches, I dont like microwave sandwiches but these are GREAT!
I got to eat dinner at Los Venquros on Air Depot. Amazing fried jalapenos.
Then we went to Crest. I was able to make it in and out of Crest in 12 minutes!!!!! Wes has never been with me on a speed shopping trip, poor guy was out of breath. My food bill is cheaper because I dont stop and look at anything- I just get what is on my list and I am gone. It was great.
I did list a couple of auctions on Lista. I am trying to list an auction a day to get this stuff moving out of the house! Looking forward to tomorrow when I get to go to Davenports and Basket Mart. Hope everyone has a great night and day tomorrow!